Special muesli with a unique combination of long-lasting and explosive energy and high-quality proteins and amino acids.
UNIQUE COMBINATION OF LONG-LASTING AND EXPLOSIVE ENERGY Performance 14 uses a unique combination of highly palatable slow and fast releasing energy sources to support high performance horses. The formula meets the requirements of anaerobic respiration and therefore provides instant energy to support power and speed. The extra oils and fibres enhance the stamina and a prolonged performance.
EXCELLENT SOURCE OF PROTEINS (14%) AND AMINO ACIDS The high content of toasted soybeans is a source of proteins and essential amino acids, promoting muscle development and repair. For extra muscle support a high vitamin E level is added to support the discharge of milk acid and make the muscles more elastic.
ELECTROLYTES TO SUPPORT NERVE- AND MUSCLE FUNCTION Performance 14 contains banana flakes and extra electrolytes to maintain fluid balance, muscle contraction and neural activity. It is very important to replenish minerals that are flushed out via sweat in order to achieve high performance goals.
SUPPORTS CONSTANT VITAL FUNCTIONS The added dried garlic supports the homeostasis and constant vital functions. Furthermore, garlic – rich in selenium and sulphur – supports the immune system and acts as a vital antioxidant with depurative effects on the blood.
CONTAINS GASTRO+ TO SUPPORT A HEALTHY STOMACH Performance 14 contains Gastro+ which is blended with a special cocktail of sodium bicarbonate, calcium carbonate, magnesium and additional probiotics to support the maintenance of normal acidity in the stomach. This supports a normal stomach function and helps to regenerate the stomach lining
Energy sources
With every effort, muscle cells need to be fuelled with energy. The type of energy used by the muscle cells is dependent on the intensity of the exercise and needs to be supplied by the diet. During low intensity exercise over a long period, the muscle cells are able to release sufficient energy via aerobic respiration, which utilises the oxygen available in the blood. This energy is obtained mainly via slow release energy sources such as fats and fibres. However, when more intense exercise is required for a short period of time, the body is not able to transport enough oxygen quickly enough to the muscle cells. And so, need to make use of stored energy sources via anaerobic respiration. During this type of exercise, a shift is made towards “fast energy sources” such as glucose.
Optimal Digestion
Horses are natural grazers and spend (if allowed) almost all the time of the day on grazing. This provides a continuous supply of saliva to the stomach that balances the on-going production of gastric acid. Today’s domesticated environment with an unnatural feeding regime and restricted movement, together with increased training, and stress from competing and travelling can contribute to gastric problems. Gastric ulcers may be caused by damage to the stomach lining due to an imbalance between the gastric acid production and the protection of the stomach lining. Not only stomach ulcers, but digestive problems in general have a disruptive effect on the performance and the wellbeing of a horse. Nutrients can no longer be optimally absorbed and a horse can quickly suffer from a sore stomach and loss of condition.
It is important to feed a diet and quantity that meets the lifestyle and needs of the horse. A general guideline for the recommended amount of concentrates per day:
• For maintenance and basic sport: 0.2 to 0.5 kg per 100 kg bodyweight.
• For (top) sport: 0.5 to 1.0 kg per 100 kg bodyweight.
Divide this daily ration into at least 2-3 meals per day. Always additionally feed a minimum of 1.5% of bodyweight as good quality forage.
Fresh drinking water must be available at all times.
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